
vegan ultra multivitamin 500ML


Key Benefits:

1)Increased Energy Levels: When your body doesn't get enough vitamins, it has to work harder to perform simple tasks. This can lead to fatigue and other health problems.

2)Improved Mood: Studies have shown that taking a high quality multivitamin daily has positive effects on a person's mood and emotional wellbeing.

3)Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The vitamins and minerals in our multivitamins can also significantly reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The body uses B vitamins to convert food into energy, keep the nervous system functioning properly, and to produce anti-stress hormones.

4)Improved Short Term Memory: A recent study showed that B vitamins have a significant impact in supporting short-term memory function. In the research, older participants who supplemented with vitamin B 12 did better in memory tests compared to those who did not take supplements.

5)Maintain Muscle Strength: Free radicals are mainly responsible for muscle ageing related problems.

Taking our multivitamins (which includes Vitamin E and Vitamin C) can help keep these damaging free radicals in cheque. For goodness sake, take our Vegan Ultra Multivitamin everyday and reap the benefits. 

  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  • Improved Mood
  • Improved Short Term Memory
  • Increased Energy Levels: When your body doesn’t get enough vitamins, it has to work harder to perform simple tasks. This can lead to fatigue and other health problems.
  • Improved Mood: Studies have shown that taking a high quality multivitamin daily has positive effects on a person’s mood and emotional well-being.
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The vitamins and minerals in our multivitamins can also significantly reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The body uses B vitamins to convert food into energy, keep the nervous system functioning properly, and to produce anti-stress hormones.
  • Improved Short Term Memory: A recent study showed that B vitamins have a significant impact in supporting short-term memory function. In the research, older participants who supplemented with vitamin B 12 did better in memory tests compared to those who did not take supplements.
  • Maintain Muscle Strength: Free radicals are mainly responsible for muscle aging related problems. Taking our multivitamins (which includes Vitamin E and Vitamin C) can help keep these damaging free radicals in check.

VitaZam More Than a Multivitamin

Added Super-food Blend
  • Aid Digestion
  • Fight Heart Disease
  • Protect Organs from Toxins
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Regulate Metabolism
  • Reduce Inflammation in the Body

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